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A Good 37th Birthday

I really had a lot of fun yesterday. Having given the kids enough warning, many of them wished me a happy birthday. That’s always fun. Many significant events occured:

1) The Muggers Revealed
Thirty-seven craptatstic mugs! (Did I mention that I hate mugs?)
Apparently, Principal Carol figured out that from the day we returned from Christmas break to the day of my birth was exactly 37 days. She figured if I got a mug per day, I’d have 37 on my 37th. They ALL did it! All my co-workers are guilty! I knew it!

2) A Super Cake
Faster than a speeding bullet into my stomach.
Peggy got a Superman cake. It was so cool! It was chocolate cake with white frosting. Good thing I commented about that on LloydandLauren.com.

3) A Pile of Presents
Woo hoo!
Apparently it is common knowledge that I sometimes have trouble staying awake during my free period. Having sometimes blamed it on low blood sugar, everybody gathered some “Snacks for Your Sleepytime” hehehe… I also received some awesome Superman stuff, including a picture of me as Superman. HA!

4) An Awesome Surprise
When I found the Jim Nabors Christmas CD for Peggy, she was very happy. She wanted to get me something that made me happy too. She made me snickerdoodles. I LOVE snickerdoodles. But unbeknownst to me, she had also ordered another thing. Unfortunately, it didn’t come in time for Christmas. So she held it until my birthday. Beth, brace yourself….
I cannot believe it! Awesome!
I will hold this until my family visits. Then we can share a solemn bowl together.

Thanks, everybody, for a really good birthday! I will continue to have them as long as they’re this fun!


  1. Lauren

    Ha! I’m mostly pleased to see that someone got some Emerald Mixed Nuts. Take that, Bob Goulet! You sure have a fun place to work! Too bad those kids have to interrupt the fun with all the ‘learning’.

    • Peggy

      Lauren-there was very little interruption of fun yesterday–as you know’Learning’requires ‘teaching’ and Brad only had to teach 3 classes yesterday! (He bribed someone to come speak to students for the other 3 about the effect of gamma rays on man-in-the-moon marigolds)

  2. Annette

    Are those Superman boxers or briefs?

    • Lauren

      Upon closer inspection, Annette and I realize that the ‘Underoos’ must be your action figure?

  3. Kim

    (fingers in my ears)**lalalalala***please don’t talk about Brad’s underwear….

    If only the nuts would really stop Robert Goulet! He made us give Brad all those mugs! In person, he’s really, really scary and intimidating.

  4. Peggy

    Ok … it’s 6:30am … where’s the lumpkin post? The one day I have to get up at the crack of dawn, you decide to sleep in … now I’ll have to wait ’til after wrestling which will be about 5:00 pm. grrrrrrrrrrrrr

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