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Couch Colors

I have several dye samples for the couch now. I was originally thinking I would do reddish-orange because I really like my coffee table and it has some orange in it. After looking at the samples, I now kind of like brown. The only problem is that I will now have to paint the walls. They would have to be something that is darker than beige or tan. Then the walls and couch would be brown, and the curtains and recliner would be black. Orange could be an accent.

Here are the colors of the room:
Black, green, white, and orange.

Here are the couch color samples I’ve made:
Red-orange, orange, brown, and black.

Yesterday’s Lenten Chore: Clean up the inside of my pickup. Nothing. (Updated 3-26-07)


  1. Lauren

    Zounds! You are so productive!!

    I agree with the brown. Then you should turn those placemats into pillows and you’ll have lots of accent options! (Hi, little table! Remember me?) That’s an Etcetera find, not a curbside find, right?

    • Peggy

      The pillow idea is brillant! He should have them completed by tonight.

  2. Michele

    You know how I feel about chocolate brown – LOVE IT!!!
    It goes just fine with black. As a matter of fact, I wore my chocolate brown fleece with the black piping yesterday AND today I am sporting a lovely chocolate brown and black check shirt.
    Did you ever consider painting one of your walls with the accent color – reddish-orange? I dare you! OR you could do new drapes with that color. IKEA has awesome curtains (I have some) that you could also dye.
    OK – let’s regroup. You must finish the details of the kitchen before you tackle another project – that’s why MY kitchen still has no backsplash. Other projects call you away. Stay focused man!

    • Michele

      Update: I just came from Pier 1. You MUST go there! I almost snagged a chocolate brown with velvet reddish-orange stripes pillow for you. They have curtains to match. Stop me! I have my own decorator problems to solve!

  3. Peggy

    Excelente Amigo! And I agree, this color brown looks great with black, with orange or burnt orange accents … you styling!

    (You might want to slow down a titch though so you don’t blow a gasket … have you become a workaholic?)

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