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Bantam Eggs

My neighborhood’s Home and Garden Tour is this coming Saturday. I will be busy this week getting the tour map assembled and putting some finishing touches on my garden. I will also need to maintain lots of communication with the people who’ve agreed to be part of the tour. Yesterday I spoke with two of them.

Tomas was one of them. I admire Thomas because he has no lawn. His entire front yard is garden. His entire back yard is garden. It’s gorgeous. He used to have honeybees. They fascinated me. If I wasn’t such a chicken about being stung, I would try beekeeping myself. Speaking of chickens, Thomas has some of them, too. Yesterday he introduced me to his newest girls, some Bantam Chickens. They’re a smaller variety of chicken. Their eggs are small too. He gave me some since I was there. I don’t know what I’ll make with these small eggs, but they sure are cute.

Six little eggies. (I think you have to call them eggies when they're so small.)


  1. Peggy

    I think you should “dirty” them up & sell them on Ebay as “Prehistoric Terradactyl Eggs”, each guaranteed to contain an embryo. (or you could just scramble them)

  2. Karla

    Can you use a regular egg for scale too? That would help me more than a quarter this time around.

  3. Lauren

    Those remind me of the eggs that the guineas lay at Lloyd’s folks’ house. They make really adorable deviled eggs!

  4. Deanne

    Small eggs are good for doing Arepa de huevo, which is a yummy Colombian snack. You cut a hole in the arepa (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arepa)(except that’s Venezuelan, but very similar, and actually even better) and fry it with the egg inside so it cooks. I’ve never tried it, but my friend did some at my house once… I should have paid better attention!

  5. Deanne

    Leonardo really wants to have chickens, so that we can eat yummmy… well, maybe that’s too much detail. I put him off saying that surely that wouldn’t be allowed because of the bird flu. Well, suffice it to say that he’s going to be very excited to meet your neighbor’s girls, and will surely begin a new round of chicken coop comments. What am I going to do???????

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