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Eighth Grade Verse

I’ve been working with the eighth graders to select a class verse for the year. I wanted to take some time with it so they would be thoughtful about the ideas they put forward. First they brainstormed some ideas, then I had them narrow it down in three different votes. They finally selected 1 Corinthians 16:13 “Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.” I think it’s a good choice. Actually, the NIV says “Be men of courage.” I had to resort to a paraphrase version to find a gender neutral statement. It’s the New Living Translation… the daughter of The Living Bible. I hope I don’t go to hell for promoting a paraphrase version. The original Greek says: “Be men.”

Anyway, we have a bulletin board in the hallway that always needs something on it, so I came in over the weekend and did the eighth grade verse on it. Here it is:

The crusader is NOT freehand. :)


  1. Deanne

    I am not a biblical scholar, but I believe heaven vs. hell is not predicated on which translation of the Bible you use. It seems like that would unseat the centrality of Christ’s sacrifice.

    2 Revelations 31:7 Thou shalt never use a daughter of the Living Bible.

  2. Lauren

    How’d you make your gender-neutral soldier? Is it a trace?

    • Brad

      I printed a clip art, then cut it out. I laid it on an overhead and projected it on the black paper. I used a white crayon to trace it, then I cut it out. I wanted the soldier on the right side, but I wanted it to face the middle of the board, so I flipped it over. After I stapled it, I realized I turned the soldier into a lefty!

      • Lauren

        “You are better than me.”
        “Yes, but why are you smiling?”
        “Because I know something you don’t know….I am not left handed.”

  3. Beth

    All right…I’m going to advertise…go see http://www.bethtastic.com, you must!!

  4. Peggy


    • Peggy

      it takes my x but not my regular comment … I give up!

      • Lauren

        No, Peggy – we read your ‘x’ as you actual comment, much like your ‘x’ stands for your actual signature. This comment was witty as always! You funny!

  5. Beth Marshall

    Brad, It will come as no surprise to you that I totally approve of your neutralization of The Bible. Please hurry up and neutralize the entire thing and perhaps I could subscribe:)

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