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Right on Time

Since my bathroom orchid last bloomed, I haven’t cut off the flower stems. Previously, they had died on their own so I cut them off. This time they stayed around, so I left them. About this time last year the bloom spikes started growing. I had flowers by the end of January. I have bloom spikes again! One is coming up from the bottom, and two are sprouting from last year’s stems.

Now I’m curious to see: Since they’re sprouting from last year’s stems, will I have flowers sooner? I’m guessing I may have some Christmas orchids this year. Maybe the flowers will distract everyone from the thick layer of dust on the leaves and the disorganized mess on the shelf the pot sits on.

Check out the roots!

Future orchid flowers.


  1. Karla

    Is that your shower stall? Do you have to step over it every morning to get into your shower? That seems a bit inconvenient and, well, downright dangerous. I’m worried for your safety, Brad. What if you get tickled stepping into the shower, you recoil in surprise and start knocking things over, then slip and hit your head?

    • Lauren

      Ha! Now that would be a sight! Too bad it’s just his window ledge.

      You call that disorganized? Seems to me it’s categorized ‘things for hair, things for skin, things for mouth, orchid, things for air, can of shaving cream, electric cord in a vase.’ That makes perfect sense! Are you OCD or something?

  2. Beth

    I think the reason I couldn’t have real orchids is the disturbing roots. Disturbing.

    • Kim

      Agreed. Sleep with one eye open Brad…those roots are coming for you!

  3. Peggy

    1st – Why do the roots hang outside of the pot? Isn’t there some kind of plant undergarment that you could put them in?

    2nd – Your shelf is neither disorganized or a mess … everything is standing up, in a row, there is only 1 layer … honestly, what are you trying to do, make the rest of us feel bad?

    3rd – Is that a jar of cold cream? Why would you have that?

    • Brad

      1. The roots hang outside the pot because orchids are epiphytes. That is, in nature they attach themselves to other plants – usually trees. The aerial roots help hold them in place. They do rather look like fingers. It does creep me out sometimes.

      2. I like things to be hidden. If it’s out, it looks messy to me. And I’m showing my business all over the internet when I post a picture and haven’t cleaned up first. In my previous picture of this surface, I had cleaned everything off.

      3. That is a jar of lotion. It belongs to Denis. I think he uses it on his face. On my face, I use Clinique lotion that comes in small, rediculously expensive tubes.

  4. Annette

    Love the towel….I think I have the same ones in my bathroom….Bed, Bath and Beyond?

    • Beth

      Are you kidding? Brad only shops at IKEA, just to taunt Lauren.

      • Brad

        Haha! Bingo!

        • Lauren

          I need new friends.

          • Deborah

            I was just at IKEA. Got a nice picture frame.

          • Lauren


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