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No Verdict

The trial is not over. The lawers will finish this morning, then us jury members will start our deliberations. The whole process has been very interesting. I’m really trying to pay attention to things that are officially considered evidence. The judge has given a lot of explanation about that.

What has also been interesting is my fellow jurors. We all arrived by 9:30am yesterday, but there was some problem down in the courtroom that kept them from calling us in. So we sat. While sitting there, conversation began. Here is a group of people that only has one thing in common: we live in Baltimore. Not being able to memorize thirteen other names, some of the jurors refer to people by what they can remember. One guy kept being called “Special Forces”, because he worked for the military special forces. Another guy was “Juror Green Shirt”. I was “Teacher”. It’s fun listening to the conversation during breaks.

I once again did not bring my camera into the courthouse. I think I could actually bring it in now, because I just get waved through when I show my “Juror” shirt sticker, but not having any pockets, I’d have to leave it in the jury deliberation room, which is not locked. I was able to get my camera during my lunch break, though.

Here is the courthouse in downtown Baltimore:

Cool old building. ...Well, actually, it's kind of hot inside.

I had lunch at the Inner Harbor again. It was a GORGEOUS day! The temperature was in the high sixties, as you can tell by the joggers in shorts and T-shirts in the lower right corner.

It makes you want to skip school with a bogus story about jury duty, doesn't it?


  1. Lauren

    Does the musical “CHU-CHUNK!!” (ala’ Law & Order) make you nervous every time you come back from commercial?

  2. Michele

    Did you eat your PB&J at the harbor or did you purchase something yummy again? I thought you had to brown bag it. Here I was feeling sorry for you being cooped up with smelly city folk during such a beautiful day! I’m happy for you though 🙂 yeah!

  3. Peggy

    Hmmm … did any of the jurors call you Wonderful Counselor or Prince of Peace?

  4. Kim

    I am thinking hateful thoughts about you and your long lunch without students…looking forward to hearing all about the case!

  5. Deanne

    We dig the Inner Harbor. Two different years, Leo’s sister gave us a membership to the aquarium for Christmas, and we usually managed to use it 3 or 4 times during the year. One of our highlights was going to the Barnes & Noble in the old factory. And then we usually eat a little ways away the inner harbor at a fish place shaped like a ship. (I always forget that silly name!) Last year we discovered a very good Thai place about 3 or 4 blocks off the harbor. (With our Thai friend.)

    • Peggy

      Is that the same restaurant you worked at Brad?

  6. Elaine

    I’m ready to come to Baltimore – warm weather, The Harbor, sea food, and oh yes, Brad.

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