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Vanda Babies

Yesterday I worked on a Project at my house. I think it was the first Project since I last worked on the downstairs bathroom floor. That was October 7, for crying out loud! What have I been doing with all my time?

Anyway, what I did yesterday was pot the orchid seedlings Denis brought me from the Philippines. I first had to do a little internet research. I know these orchids are Vanda Kagawara ‘Christie Low’, but I really don’t know a whole lot about orchids, and what I do know is mostly about phalaenopsis orchids, because that’s what’s in my upstairs bathroom.

The best information I got was off THIS site. In fact, they have a little menu button in the left margin that takes you to directions for what to do with orchid flasks. Thank you, Bali Orchid Gardens!

So first I smashed the bottle open. The suggestion was to break off the top. Once I got a hole in it, I didn’t want to do more. There were already lots of slivers of glass all over the place.

Don't cut yourself, don't cut yourself, don't cut yourself...

Next, I washed the growing gel off the seedlings. Bali Orchid Gardens said leaving it on would encourage fungus, and if there is one thing I don’t want to encourage, it’s fungus.

Isn't it just cute as a button?

I counted 65 large and medium-sized seedlings. There were probably about ten tiny seedlings.

A mess o' Vandas.

I put them in my best orchid window: the upstairs bathroom. It’s a sunny window, but it has a white curtain to diffuse the light. I also put heating pads under the pot trays to keep the baby Vandas warm. I’m expecting a pretty high mortality rate, so I planted them five or six per pot. If they all survive, the pots will be crowded and I’ll have to kill some to thin them out.

Check out my super-cool pots and trays from IKEA!

Snug as a bug in a rug... or a Vanda on a heating pad.

Maybe, if everything works out right, I’ll have some flowers in three or four years. Woo hoo!


  1. Lauren

    Do you really have to kill them to make this whole thing work? Is that your solution to everything?

    Lauren: Pfennig sure is shedding a lot.
    Brad: Have you tried killing her?

    • Deborah


    • Peggy

      LOL!!!! Lauren, you way too funny!

      Peggy: People who drive too slow cause me to cuss.
      Brad: ………..

  2. Lloyd

    Lloyd: My eighth grade girls won’t stop talking
    Brad: Have you tried killing them?

  3. Peggy

    D’oh … you left your water running.

  4. Spock

    The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

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