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Steel Reserve

After spending more time cleaning the basement yesterday, I went on some quick errands. As I walked toward my front steps, I saw something silvery glinting in the sun.

What could it be?

As I neared, I saw it… a tall can of Steel Reserve malt liquor. It’s 22 ounces of high alcohol, low price beer. Brent threw a can into the beverage pond on the Fourth of July, but no one was brave enough to drink it. I did a few searches for information on this beverage, and by far the most hilarious entry was on a site I won’t link directly to, because it’s full of bad language, but I’ll record this passage in my memory archive:

Steel Reserve is a low-quality, low-prestige, low-dignity malt beverage. Purchasing Steel Reserve is often an act of desperation by would-be drinkers in times of economic hardship. Aside from drinking cleaning solvents, Steel Reserve is perhaps the cheapest possible way to exit this reality. Its combination of astonishingly low price and extraordinarily high alcohol content has made it popular among both bums and young people.

This beer’s for you, Brent!

It wasn't even empty!


  1. Deanne

    It has a pretty, red symbol on it though. I wonder if it’s the ancient sign of drunkards.

  2. Kim

    “Aside from drinking cleaning solvents”…hehe

  3. Lauren

    Brent, if you’re reading this, that can is in our refrigerator downstairs. It’s here when… anyone… needs it. 😉

  4. Brent

    It must remain a bradaptation mystery as to who exactly bought the evil can.

    I want to see that can in the beverage pond on the next fourth!

    Er, wait- would we be liable if someone drinks it?

  5. Carol

    “sign of desperation”, eh? Anyone else I work with thinking that – if Peggy’s “vision” for our new school year can’t be facilitated (you’ll have to ask her yourselves if you don’t already know) – having a case of this stuff available, perhaps hermetically sealed or behind a Fire Alarm style box with a small hammer to break the glass in “emergencies”, could be just what some of us will need to get us through. Just knowing it’s around may well be enough to do the trick.

    Who’s buyin’? I’ll provide straws…

  6. Peggy


    We want a picture of the bum … he couldn’t have gotten far … check your pew …

  7. kiwe

    You could put it in your basement! Heck you could put a ton of it your basement. With this


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