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And Then There Were Two

After finding out that Ice Breakers Pacs would no longer be made, due to their unfortunate resemblance to packets of cocaine, I bought up a bunch of them.

I gave away several of the containers of candy and ended up having two left. I took them to school. Ever since school started I’ve slowly been eating them. They’re nice for when my mouth is dry or for when I have coffee breath. It has been hard deciding whether to keep them forever or to eat them, but little discolorations have appeared on the pouches, so I don’t think they’ll last much longer. The expiration date on the container says “August 08”.

I have two small pouches left. I may eat them today, since we’re celebrating the Reformation in chapel today. I hear Martin Luther liked to eat sugarless candy that was made to resemble packets of cocaine.

I keep them handy in my desk drawer.

Brown spots.


  1. Brady G.

    Without looking, how many “binder clips” are in the picture?

    • Lauren

      Easy – 47. I have a photogenic memory.

      Brad, wouldn’t chewing on that Hi-Polymer eraser freshen your mouth just as much?

      • Deanne

        mmmm, yummy, erasers…

      • Carol

        …and when can we expect a special entry addressing why you have a lips-shaped eraser (?) also in your desk drawer? Hmmmmmmm?

      • Carol

        HA! Good one, Lauren. Do you work with middle schoolers, too? Sounds like exactly what some of them would have said in response.

    • Lloyd

      Arghh, I always hate questions like that. At 4-H camp once we were all sitting in our “tribes” (or something) and they brought around big trays full of items and gave us 30 seconds to look at them. When everyone had a chance to look at the trays, they asked us questions about what the pretty girls who had been carrying the trays were wearing. That I did fine on.

    • Beth

      I don’t know how many…but I know Superman was sitting on one. That has to count for something, right?

  2. Beth

    So did they only make these in orange…or was that just your favorite flavor?

  3. Peggy

    So cocaine Ice Breakers turns brown when it’s no longer good? Weird. Are you sure you didn’t just spill some of your special water on them?

  4. Lloyd

    So you’re the guy who actually uses reinforcement labels.

  5. Carol

    …and what dedicated teacher’s desk drawer doesn’t have a bottle of analgesics/pain meds in it, eh? (Advil does nothng for those I-can’t-take-that-child’s-whining-one-second-longer headaches; I’m an Excedrin gal, but you know what they say: De gustibus non est disputandum!

    (Good try on the Latin this morning, by the way. You got more intelligible as you went along – honest!)

    • Lauren

      My fourth-grade teacher kept a bottle of St. Joseph’s aspirin in his desk drawer, and I would sneak one every so often. I was such a creepy kid.

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