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Naturally Fresh

Happy Halloween! I thought it might be scary to write about underarm deodorant today.

I’ve recently had to get a new bottle of my current deodorant. It’s a treehugger brand called “Naturally Fresh”. (I use a lot of treehugger products. Could I unwittingly be a treehugger? …not that there’s anything wrong with that.)

My deodorant requirements are: it must keep me from stinking, it must not burn my underarms, it must not have a smell of its own, and it must not flake off. I started my deodorant career with clear solids, then I switched to white solids, then to roll-ons. Every once in a while, the deodorant brand I’m using will spontaneously stop working. Then the search for a new one begins. After “Ban” stopped working, I found “Naturally Fresh”. I’ve been using it for several years now. Here’s hoping it doesn’t stop working soon.

Another bonus: the label colors match my contact lens bottle.


  1. Lauren

    Are the people in the picture on the label doing some kind of deodorant ritual? Maybe it’s a dance. Maybe they’re getting married!!!!

    • Beth

      Must be getting married. Marriage requires a lot of deodorant.

  2. Lloyd

    I’m not at all sure that that is any kink of bonus what-so-ever. Mark my words, a tragic contact lens/deodorant shafu is in your future.

    • Lauren

      You meant ‘kind’, right?

      • Deborah

        And you mean “snafu”, right?

  3. Karla

    Hey Peggy, this one’s for you!


    • Deanne

      I’m at work, so I didn’t listen, but he’s a good dancer.

    • Peggy

      Ha!! Love it!!!

  4. Peggy

    So Brad, there’s no one in your family you could have inherited smelless underarms from? Bummer.

  5. Peggy

    But seriously, how can you use a roll-on?!? Assuming you have:


    (get it)

    wouldn’t that just make a huge, goey, sloppy mess?

    • Brad

      No, I do not have one of those. I “took care of it”.

      • Peggy

        I said seriously…..

      • Peggy

        …doesn’t your underarm hare get all soggy & matted with a roll on?

        • Lauren

          Ha! I just saw ‘hare’. You funny.

        • Karla

          Hey! What happened to my comment to Peggy?!? I saw it earlier.

        • Brad

          Oops! I was cleaning up a double comment that was waiting in the spam filter and I accidentally deleted it. I’ll re-post it, but I assure you that I do not have bald armpits.

        • Karla

          Psst Peggy! Maybe Brad is trying to tell you he had electrolysis on his pits.

        • Karla

          I still think you’re trying to hide something. šŸ˜‰

  6. Dyslexic Ghost


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