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As I walked up to school in the morning darkness yesterday, I heard a strange fan-like noise. It drew my attention to the roof of the school, where I saw this:

I took this picture after it got a little lighter.

I thought: “Finally! A worthy prank.” So often in the past, the pranks the kids have pulled have been destructive and costly. I would shake my head at their stupidity, or be angry with them for their malice. But this time I chuckled.

The beer glass was deflated before most of the kids arrived for school, but enough of them saw it that it was the morning topic of conversation.

Well done, anonymous pranksters. Well done.


  1. Lauren

    Ha! If only they could have made the portico look like a bowl of chips. What did you guys do with the balloon afterward?

  2. Beth

    Heh. Well done, indeed.

  3. Peggy

    Ehhxcellent!!! (and whew! I thought maybe we were bought out at 1st)

    • Carol

      This would be a particularly hysterical comment, Peggy, if it weren’t indeed one of the options discussed at a recent meeting….


      …I think…

  4. Deanne

    Wow! Doesn’t that beat it all!?!

  5. kiwe

    Good old fashion fun and beer! Bravo.

  6. Kim

    I salute the senior class; well done!

  7. Lloyd

    Ha. That remind me of the time when we… um… were pretty lame.

  8. kiwe

    I wonder if you could send the picture to the beer company and get sponsorship or a grant or something!

    • Carol

      Now THAT’S the kinda thinking we need around here – seizing any and every financial opportunity.

      So, which of us is going to call the company?

      (Could you just see the next monthly meeting around these parts? “Where did our generous grant come from, O esteemed President/Superintendent/Headmaster?” Yea…could be fun trying to explain that to a few congregations I could mention…)

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