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Gardening Again

I dug a little again yesterday. I had some plants to put in at Harold and Beth’s. Beth also wanted to move some existing plants from one site to another. In exchange for my labor, Beth gave me a whole bunch of Lamb’s Ears. It was the perfect edging plant for the new garden bed behind Lloyd and Lauren’s! They are drought resistant, can handle a little shade, and will spread rapidly enough to choke out any weeds or grass that try to grow next to the landscape timbers. Plus, you can pet them like kitty cats. They’re so soft.

Look at that pile of free plants!

Look at that finished edge.  Beautiful!

I think this will end my work in the new garden bed for this year. The basic layout of the garden is established. Any future planting I do will purely be experimentation. What plants will I try planting there next summer? I can hardly wait!


  1. Carol

    Wait a minute – when you pet Max, he feels like the leaves of a velvety plant? Oh, I guess I can see it – er – feel it – uh – imagine that. When most people use the phrase “feels like a kitty cat”, though, I think they have a whole other sensation in mind, ya’ know? By the way…

    Dear human; I saw the photo of Bibbie and, uh, I was wondering – when is my fur coat arriving? Hmmm?!”

    See – I told ya’!

    …and will any of the Lambs Ears be imported to your Balto. backyard? Or would the flight out be too much for them? (Would you have to bring straw for feeding time and worry about “pellets”, I wonder? Do airlines now have a “no bleating” rule as well?)

    • Carol

      Sorry, “Bibbie”, whoever you may be – the “i” and the “o” are too doggone close (if you’ll pardon the expression) on the keyboard, I guess.

  2. Lauren

    Hooray for free plants! Hooray for Beth sharing her bounty! Hooray for Brad!

    If you ever can’t find me, I’m out back petting the lamb’s ear.

  3. Michele

    We have a project for you when you get back – the portables are gone, except for one, and left a muddy mess!
    The old administrative portable won’t fit through the gate! I sent you a pix on your cell phone.

    • Carol

      Yea, I saw it a bit yesterday morning – great pit for that fund-raiser “Faculty Mud Wrestling” I’ve heard talk of on occasion…icky! I wager our own Mr. Royuk could work wonders back there, though – including another pond/fountain deal, no? Sounds great to me!!

      (That’s right – when the admin portable was first dropped off, there was no gate! HA! Wonder what the plan is now? Think Brad could make a giant planter out of it? Hmmmmm…)

  4. Peggy

    That border does look great!! Excellent!! I just LOVE L&L’s new garden!!

    And did you know that if you get stung by a bee, wrapping a lamb’s ear leaf around the bite site is supposed to end the pain & suffering in no time flat. Anyone willing to test that?

    • Lauren

      I think you’re supposed to wrap the lamb’s ear around the bee and squish real hard. It ends the pain and suffering in about half a second.

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