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Pole Farm

Have you ever wondered where telephone poles come from? I think I might have found out yesterday.

I once again went to Badolato Stone Supply to get some Pennsylvania field stone for a garden project. Badolato is in a twisty place that has a lot of roads that look like alleys. I turned a little too soon and found myself in an unfamiliar area. I turned again and saw something quite peculiar. The sign said “Comcast Pole Farm”. Behind a chain-link fence and coils of razor wire, there was a forest of telephone poles, some taller than others. It was as if they were growing there. Risking the wrath of the Comcast SS, I took a picture.

Behold, the (possible) origin of telephone poles:

Do you think they need water and fertilizer?


  1. Carol

    OK, that’s just weird…I mean, seriously, what could these really be here for, and how did they actually get there? Why are they collected in a group behind a razor fence??……uh-oh……when you said “SS” you didn’t mean our Secret Service, did you?

    How sad for them!

  2. Lauren

    I wonder if they’re organic telephone poles. They cost a little more, but it’s worth it not to have pesticides contaminating your calls.

  3. Deanne

    You’re not the only one noticing pole farms.

    Here is one in New Jersey (with information on the purpose of the pole farm) http://mariasariego.typepad.com/blog/2007/01/our_other_state.html

    Here is a nice panoramic view of one http://gigapan.org/viewGigapan.php?id=18602&window_height=742&window_width=1229

    And here is even one in 3D, if you have 3D glasses handy! http://pruned.blogspot.com/2009/06/pole-farm.html

    • Peggy

      As a matter of fact, I do happen to have 3D glasses handy…and it works! Cool! Off to find more internet 3D pictures!! There goes my planned day of productiveness!

  4. Deanne

    I think my comment got moderated. Too many links!

  5. Peggy

    HA! That is hilarious!

    But hey, I think I have a bunch of dead trees beautiful poles in my back yard that I could sell to the Comcast Pole Farm! I wonder what I could get for them???

  6. Lloyd

    Lineman training ground?

  7. Karla

    Do you think there’s a festivus pole farm out there somewhere that looks similar to this?

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