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Vincent Rocks!

So the faucet I installed only last week broke already. The neck of the faucet was all jiggly. I tightened a nut on it, and then the water pressure shot the neck of the faucet clean out of the base. There was a fountain in my kitchen! Sheesh!

The reason I replaced the old faucet was because it was also all jiggly. I still had the old faucet because I missed Trash Day, so I took it to IKEA hoping they would have a suggestion for me. My first visit was on Tuesday. The workers were complete imbeciles. They said it was broken and that the new faucet I bought must also be broken. They didn’t think it was strange at all that two faucets bought three years apart would be broken in exactly the same way and they had no other solutions but to try another one. Dunderheads.

I returned to IKEA yesterday, hoping there would be other workers there who weren’t such morons. There were! The guy at the returns desk started in with the “it’s broken” spiel, but I wouldn’t have it. So he called Vincent. Vincent is the guy who puts together all the displays at the White Marsh IKEA. He was hard to track down, but once he got to the returns desk and I explained my problem, he fiddled with the faucet …and fiddled …and fiddled. I was almost ready just to thank him and leave when he finally figured it out: certain o-rings must be in certain positions and the neck must be at just the right height before tightening the nut that holds it all together. It was quite simple, really. I don’t know why there wasn’t a picture of it in the directions.

And now my new faucet is fixed and working and I don’t have to install a new one. All because Vincent rocks.

Dang it!


  1. Deanne

    Yay for workers who go the extra mile!

  2. Lauren

    Rats. I was kind of hoping that this would be all about how IKEA stuff isn’t worth buying and you’ll never go there again. I’m sorry it all worked out in the end.

    Have you seen IKEA’s new assembly service ads?

    • Peggy

      HA!! Those are awesome ads! The guy who did them deserves a raise! (and btw, I LOVE your drawing today Lauren…I forgot to mention it on your site, but LOVE it…I bet you could do even better ads for IKEA. Why don’t you whip up a few & send them in…tell them all you want for payment is an IKEA built near you. )

      Sorry about the mess Brad…but that must have looked quite cool, what with the water gushing out like a geyser…


  3. Lauren

    I’m in your spam! I’m in your spam! Save me!!

    • Lauren

      Explanation to everyone else: My comment is stuck in your spam file.

      • Karla

        I like thinking you’re in a can of meat. 🙂

  4. Carol

    1. Curses on O rings – we all know what they did to that one space shuttle…

    2. …but in contrast, learn’d display personnel saved the day despite them – good for him/you/it! Peace and harmony return to the Royuk kitchen. Life is good.

    3. When will we all be invited over to try out your new indoor swimming pool? (You never told us how you cleaned up the fountain spurting from your sink area…)

  5. Carol

    …and is “Rocks” Vincent’s last name? ‘Cuz if it is, you could ask for advice on finishing the rock area around your pond, too, I wager…

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