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One Down…

Through the wonder of Netflix, I’ve been watching the first season of 30 Rock. Lauren told me about it a long time ago, but I didn’t listen to her. I should have. I love it.

Watching a whole season of a show all at once is an exhausting, wondrous, awful, exhilarating thing. Only thing is, I’m afraid I’m like a drug user who’s built up a tremendous tolerance: I’m used to watching multiple episodes per night. Every night. But once I get caught up, I’ll only be able to watch one episode per week. PER WEEK!

I hope the rest of the television world hurries up and puts new episodes on.

I could'nt get a picture that didn't have weird bands of color or darkness on them.


  1. Lauren

    Tina Fey is fantastic, and who would have thought that Alec Baldwin was so dang funny? Love it love it love it!

    So, I went searching the interwebs for a reminder of some funny catch phrase that I could quote so we could share a moment, and I realized that I haven’t watched all the episodes from Season One!! *GASP*! This must be remedied quickly – gotta call in sick…..

    • Deanne

      You really do deserve a sick day. DO IT!!

      • Brad

        When I saw your comment in the sidebar, I was thinking you were talking to me, dang it. 🙂 I still have two more seasons to watch! That’ll take hours and hours!

        • Deanne

          You deserve it, too Brad… But not nearly as much as Lauren deserves it!

    • Peggy

      Agreed. Alec Baldwin CRACKS ME UP in this show!!

      And Brad, I’ve rented seasons of shows to catch up, etc. before & it’s awful, just awful I tell you to then have to go to waiting a WHOLE week for a new episode. I find having plenty of raw cookie dough on hand helps ease the pain.

  2. Brent

    Here’s my favorite show, and you can watch every episode in existence without worrying about slowing down to once a week because it got CANCELLED in 2006! Argh!


  3. Peggy

    PS And your description of watching a whole season of a series is dead on! Exhausting , yet fabulous. So if you ever need a time out from all that TV watching, I know the perfect solution…it’s what I do…go to the movies!

  4. Lloyd

    I too am a fan of the 30 rock television show.

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