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A Very Royuk Thanksgiving

It was a great Thanksgiving. We put the giant turkey in the oven to slowly cook overnight. In the morning, the house was filled with its delicious aroma. After church, we got everything ready for the wonderful meal. The turkey meat completely filled the giant platter. Everyone snitched samples.

Once Tim started, he couldn't stop.

I got to use my new gravy ladle that my mom brought from Seward. She got it from Et Cetera, a thrift store run by Mennonites. The ladle did a mennontastic job of scooping out gravy!

It was Mennorific!

After dinner, as is our custom, we all went to sleep. Tim resisted for a long time, but finally gave in. He had to sleep. It’s in his genes.

Most of us slept in beds.  Harold and Tim chose the recliner.


  1. Peggy

    Dang, those pictures could be from my house yesterday…with different sleepers of course. Turkey & sleep…Ahhhh!! Glad you all had a nice Thanksgiving!

    But I’m moving a little slow today…must be all the gravy coursing thru my veins.

  2. Carol

    Ah, I see Master Tim is poking at the white meat side of the platter – my personal preference, too. Did you know that 89% of males prefer dark meat (or so public radio would have us believe)? He’s one in a million – well, at least one in the remaining 11% of males! Way to go, Tim!

    –still digesting from yesterday all the stuff she should no longer be eating

  3. Lauren

    I laughed out loud at mennontastic!

    Do I see four blankets around Tim? Is it cold or were you worried he would burst open?

  4. Michele

    My nap occurred during the 3-hour car ride home in the rain “over the river and through the woods …” OR should I say “down the mountain and across I-70” ??

    I get to do it all again tomorrow, but this time only one block away at MY parents’ house.

    It will be Carnation for every meal this coming week!

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