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What was That Noise?

It was another good day in Seward yesterday: good church, good brunch afterward, a little nap on the couch while Tim kept poking me and saying: “Don’t sleep! People are supposed to sleep in beds!” We finished the day by going to Red Lobster. Mmm… Cheesy biscuits…

Lloyd and Lauren are still in Missouri, so I was alone at their house. I was kind of excited to be going to bed earlier, since I’ve had so many late nights lately. I got ready for bed and started reading my book.

Then the noises started.

Now, I have an old house, so I’m used to noises, but the noises last night were awful. In the hallway outside my bedroom, there were creaks and cracks that sounded exactly like someone was walking around. In fact, I got up several times to check. All I saw was the startling and scary human-shaped lump of ties on the banister. After a while, I put the book down and just tried to sleep. That’s when I heard something moving in the walls next to my bed. I can deal with squirrels or bats or whatever, so I tried sleeping some more. *beep* *beep* *beep* The oven started beeping. By now it was well past midnight. I stumbled down the stairs past the scary lump of ties and laid on the kitchen floor to yank on the stove cord. It wouldn’t come out of the outlet, but at least the beeping stopped.

I think I fell asleep finally around 2am. I might need to nap sometime today. Maybe I’ll do it somewhere that doesn’t bother Tim so much.

Creak!  Creak!


  1. Beth

    Dang. That lump of ties is scary in the daylight. I would make deep-gutteral-terrified noises if I saw that at night.

  2. Lauren

    I haven’t laughed so hard in days! Thank you for the chuckles and I’m very, very sorry.

  3. Peggy


    But really, this is Seward we’re talking about…so I doubt the footsteps were those of any killer…

    But ‘The Boogeyman’ is another story…I hear he especially likes small towns….

    • Carol

      …like Toyland! (Bogeymen featured in the 1950-ish b&w version with Laurel and Hardy that we viewed at home last night. They were all furry/hairy and lived in Bogeyland, just a raft’s journey across the shallow river from Toyland. Could Seward really be Toyland?)

      …or…their house could be haunted…?

      …or…temperature changes cause expansion and contraction of organic matter like wood and – naaaah! That sounds too boringscientific to have any truth to it.

  4. Curt

    Maybe Mr Marbles is making the noises.


  5. Annette

    Are those the ties already worn this year, or ties that need to be worn this year?

  6. Kristi

    I could eat a whole meal of the cheesy biscuits. Delicious!

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