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As I was putting on my pants for school yesterday morning, I noticed that they were kind of heavy. I thought to myself: “Is there something in the pocket?” Reaching my hand in, I pulled out… my lost wallet! How could that be? I was quite confused. The night I lost my wallet, I stopped for food on the way home. I was wearing athletic pants because I had been to wrestling practice. Why was my wallet in my school pants still? I have no idea.

And why would I not have discovered my wallet in the laundry? I do know that: I wear my pants twice before washing them. It keeps them looking nice longer. I have more than a week’s worth of pants, so my wallet was hanging in my closet until school was out for vacation. Then it stayed there over Christmas break. Until yesterday, when I put them on. Dang.

Well, at least I recovered my discount warehouse club card and my insurance cards. I hadn’t gotten around to replacing them. And now I have a spare wallet. And a spare license.

I have a lot of grey pants.


  1. Lauren

    Hooray!!!! You went through a lot of trouble, but at least some thief isn’t pretending to be you, right?

    Did you pay for your food with cash from a different source?

    • Brad

      I have no idea how events transpired that night. Did I pay with some other cash? Did I put the wallet back into my dress pants when I got back into the truck? Was I wearing my dress pants?

      • Michele

        All I remember is you were hating life that day. It was one thing piled on another; kids were driving you bonkers. Maybe you blacked out at some point and just have no memory of it.

        • Deanne

          heh, heh. Although it is good that Brad is trying to diagnose… so it doesn’t happen again. Maybe he needs to get a buddy whenever it’s total mayhem in his day.

  2. Peggy

    Yay!! And now you have ever much cash you had in that wallet richer!

    Maybe you didn’t have your wallet on you cause it was in your dress pants so the carry out place let you slide that one time…beings you’re such a regular.

    • Peggy

      …and now you are how ever much cash you had in that wallet richer….goodness! (feel free to fix)

    • Brad

      The surpise money was awesome. I’m saving money in a box right now. I don’t know what it’s for, but I’ve been doing a pretty good job so far. That’s where I put the bonus cash.

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