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Last night was our school’s “Basket Bingo” night. It’s a Bingo event where all the prizes are things that women would like stuffed into Longaberger baskets or bags whose name I can’t remember Vera Bradley bags. I sat at a table with several of my co-workers. It was the first time I’d ever played real Bingo. The “boards” are all thin newsprint-type paper. People mark numbers with a “dauber”. Michele lent me one of hers. Playing Bingo was fun at first, then stressful, then frustrating, then fun again. Apparently, you’re supposed to yell in disgust when someone else wins. That was my favorite part.

It was also my first 'Throwback' Pepsi (made with sugar).  It was disappointingly the same as regular.

There were three special games where we were trying to make a shape. I got really close to making an “S”, but B-10 eluded me.

Curse you, B-10!


  1. Michele

    Vera Bradley silly!

    Brad got the hang of the disappointing “UGH!” whenever someone else would yell BINGO. But then he really got into it. Here are a few of his phrases:
    “I hate you!”
    “I hope you die!”

    My face hurt from laughing so much and my head hurt from all the excitement. I couldn’t wait to get home!

    • Lauren

      Brad is excellent at showing disgust. At the next event, he might throw rotten vegetation at the winners, so be careful.

      Despite the disappointing taste, that Pepsi can looks awesome.

  2. Beth

    Did you win me a basket? Or maybe a bag?

  3. Peggy

    Blasted that B-10!! I can never decide if it’s better to get that close & lose … or just not get many numbers period???

    • Carol

      I personally subscribe to the latter.

      Michele was able to yell that wonderful five-letter word as I approached the table during a slow time from hot beverage dispensing at the back. Angie was kind enough to attribute the win to my approach. There may be something to that, as I NEVER win at Bingo, which seems to increase the odds that anybody BUT me would win, which would include Michele, therefore…but maybe this is why I don’t teach statistics, too. Anywho, congrats, Michele!

      By the way: hot beverages sold between pizza and Chic-fil-A? Not an award-winning combination (for anyone out there looking for fund raiser ideas for their groups – we didn’t even cover our overhead). I got to practice my retailing skillz again, though, and was told I made a mean urn of coffee (read “strong enough to stand a spoon up in it!”).

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