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Max in a Box

There’s a big box in the kitchen right now. Max LOVES it. He normally wants to be in whatever room I’m in, but because of the box, he’ll spend chunks of time in the kitchen – away from me – so he can sit in the box. He does like to play in it. If I drag my finger along the outside edge, he’ll bat at it with his paws. He also likes to jump on top of it. So far he hasn’t collapsed it. But his favorite thing by far is just to sit inside.

I should remember this for his next birthday: get Max a box.

Or maybe he just likes hanging out by the food bowl...


  1. Beth

    Heh. When I first read your title, I thought it said “Man” in a box.

    (That’s only funny to me. I know that.)

  2. Lauren

    Maybe it brings him comfort because it reminds him of his mother’s giant, rectangular womb.

  3. Lloyd

    Max would love my “office”.

  4. Peggy

    Dang, replaced by an inanimate object…That stinks.

    Or is this you & your comforter? No wonder Max is distancing himself from you.


  5. Peggy

    Or is it possible that Max just realized that he is naked…and the box is his fig leaf?

  6. Annette

    What was in the box, before Max?

    • Brad

      It was a fan/ air purifier.

  7. Carol

    Riley does the same thing. Any empty boxes are automatically claimed by him. If you’ve seen the rectangular boxes “Snuggies” come in, you can imagine how amusing it is to see a rather large Tomcat try to squoosh his entire carcass inside one while playing with (read “trying to hide from”)the dog. Outside of a bit of tail, he actually can do it! The paper recycling box in the kitchen gets his attention often as well, but the contents are frequently re-arranged or ejected when this happens – not exactly ideal. Gotta love the simple amusements of the young – some go for pots and pans; others, empty boxes. Ah, youth…

  8. Karla

    My kids love to sit in boxes for hours too. Is Max a small child, or are my kids large, hairless cats?

  9. Anna

    If my cat Snowy finds a box,he sniffs every inch of it then hops out.

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