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Feeding the Addiction

Well, I got a new ring. I was feeling bad the other day, and spending money made me feel better. But it was a ring from Sparkle Cartel, so at least it was inexpensive. It’s another tungsten carbide ring. I like them because they’re so sparkly and and they have a nice weight to them. They are also said to be nearly impossible to scratch. I have stopped short of testing that attribute, but none of the tungsten rings I wear have visible scratches, even the one I got nearly two years ago today.

Yay for a new ring!

It has octagons and squares cut into it.


  1. Beth

    I wondered if you’d buy that one… 🙂

  2. Lauren

    Is Max trying to show us that he needs a ring on one of those toes? If so, get him something sparkly, too.

  3. Karla

    I saw that one too and thought about getting it… It looks really good.

  4. Lloyd

    You should get one with hexes so that we can play Settlers of Catan on it.

  5. Carol

    I’m with Lauren on the “why doesn’t Max also wear rings?” side. That could get pricey, though, I suppose, what with twenty toes and all…

    Your new ring could be a manipulative for a geometry lesson, too, no? Very versatile!!

    Congrats on knowing that spending money on certain things will improve your mood. Lately the sort of money we’ve parted with (property tax bill, car insurance, etc.) hasn’t done much to improve the mood, in all honesty.

  6. Peggy

    Very nice! And I’m with Carol … what a nice, non-destructive fix for feeling bad.

    Is Max scratching or chewing on his foot? He looks so cute the way he has all his little toes spread & his eyes shut. (Psst Max, I don’t think your master likes it when you upstage him)

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