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It’s Only a Matter of Time

Even though my phone is only a year and a half old, it’s starting to show some wear. It has some dust under the glass and some chipped paint. It’s distracting, but not a problem as far as function. But yesterday I noticed another problem: a crack in the glass. How can it be having such a serious issue so soon? And I’m thinking that this crack is the beginning of the end. How long do I have?

Small... for now.

I’m thinking that my next phone will be a smart phone of some kind. Do I have any choice but to get an iPhone? On the one hand, that would be cool, but on the other hand, it means a higher monthly bill and it means I would be part of the cult.


  1. Lauren

    Mmmuuuuhuuuuuuwaahhhhhaahhhh!!! Join the cult! Join the cult!!

    Wait – I’m not part of the cult.

    Lloyd is not fond of the Droid, and mainly because their commercials are so anti-human. A robot arm that comes out of nowhere and pecks at your phone like an irritable chicken? Plus it can actually say “DROID” in that annoying voice – one of my preschool moms has a new one and couldn’t get it to stop.

    Hmm. Maybe I hate the Droid.

  2. Lloyd

    I think you should get one of those new Windows Phone 7 phones when they come out. There are going to be something like 30 of them, so you can have a lot of fun after the purchase wondering if you really picked the right one.

  3. Karla

    Arron has a Droid and loves it. I have a Blackberry and love it. I’m guessing you’re with AT&T since you mentioned iPhone – what about a Blackberry Torch? Those look super-duper cool. 🙂

  4. Lloyd

    I think you should base your decision on this diagram.

    • Brad

      Hmmm… So I guess based on that graphic, I should either go with an iPhone or a Droid?

    • Karla

      Ha! That made the Crackberry site yesterday. I love that! 🙂

    • Carol

      As a proud user of my app. 2008 Verizon Coup (motto: “just a phone, ma’am…just a phone”), I think I take exception to the 2G illustration there. I would never wear a knit hat like that.

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