Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.


I had a great birthday yesterday. Things started out with donuts and a hilarious card from Michele. Then a card from all my building-mates that had ants on it. Ants! I made sure the kids knew it was my birthday. They were wishing me well all day! It was awesome. I had handbell practice last night, but before going, Peggy and I grabbed a bite to eat at Red Robin. She insisted that the servers sing to me, then made them give me balloons. Ha! Peggy gave me a funny card, too. It’s what I looked like back in 1855.

At handbells, the first piece we practiced sounded horrible. It was nothing like the music on the page. And then I realized they were playing “Happy Birthday”. Hehe…

When I got home, I checked my email. Because I don’t go on Facebook very often, I have it set to email me when someone sends me a message or posts on my wall. There were lots of birthday greetings yesterday. My email inbox was clogged. Next year, I’ll have to remember to turn off email notices before my birthday.

Michele’s Card:

Peggy’s Card:
I look pretty good for my age, don't I?


  1. Lauren

    Wow! What a splendid birthday! 🙂

    Michelle and Peggy – those cards are hilarious! Peggy, how hard did you have to look to find one with Brad From The Past? I hope that he had the good sense to start a bank account with a dollar in it (with compounding interest, of course).

    • Peggy

      (Hehe…that’s actually a picture of my 2nd son, one head removed– taken this past December in his dress WP uniform. Brad has mentioned in passing that he was born in the wrong era…he likes these old-timey outfits. It has fancy tails too. Just no top hat…shame.)

  2. Lloyd

    I want you to plan my birthdays from now on.

  3. Peggy

    What a great assortment of Birthday cards! You can tell how much we all love you…what with our cards of poop, the wrong holiday (Christmas tree) & ants!

    I’m glad you had a nice day!

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