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Seed Success

I’m doing better with my garden timing this year than ever before. I got roots, tubers, corms, and seeds all in the ground weeks ago. Yay! And they’re sprouting! Yay!

I am particularly excited about the seeds. I’ve tried to grow seeds before, but I sort of just threw them on the ground and hoped for the best. This year, I jammed them carefully in the dirt or I actually prepared special seed beds for them. It’s working much better. The seeds I have sprouting right now are moss rose, morning glories, dill, basil, and nasturtium.

Here are the nasturtium seedlings. I love their weird round leaves:
Okay, so their leaves don't look so round in this picture, but they'll be rounder later.

The basil seedlings are featured in my April garden movie. It’s a longer movie than usual, but there’s so much to see in April…


  1. Lauren

    Ha! You’re so casual about the dead robin.

    It’s like a whole library of plants in your yard. It’s exciting to see everything blooming and almost makes me want to go out and work in my yard. Almost. 🙂

    It actually worries me that you like smells so much. When you come to our house, are you constantly offended at weird smells here? Say ‘no’.

  2. Peggy

    It always amazes me how you just plant stuff … and it grows!! Just like that (fingersnap)! ! I can’t believe how much the potatoes have grown since last time!

    I like the nasturtiums leaves now…they look like little paw prints to me.

    Is rhubarb something you can eat? And if at the end of the summer you have a bunch of basil leaves that you don’t want, I’ll take them. I like to freeze them for winter use.

    Yay for your bloomin’ yard!

    • Brad

      Well, I did plant those potatoes two weeks ago. Time flies, eh?

      And yes, the rhubarb is something you eat. I keep meaning to get this one recipe from my mom. I’m going to text her right now…

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