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Gardening Day of Fun

Yesterday I worked in the garden from 9:30 to 1:30. I had more to do, but I just ran out of energy.

My biggest goal was to add an evergreen hedge along the walking path as you first enter the back yard. The space has been undefined and has looked messy. I planted ilex crenata ‘soft touch’ plants. They have the same leaves as my ‘sky pencil’ holly plants, so they should fit right in. But the internet says they’re kind of fussy, so I’m a little worried about that. We’ll see…

The new plants are just above the red line.

I also pulled out my Persian ivy that I was trying to grow on the brick wall in the back of my yard. Every single summer I have propped it up or tied it or leaned it against something, and it simply won’t stay up. Sometimes I had to do it twice per summer.
Too… much… work. I ripped it all out.

That empty space will soon be full of banana tree.

I didn’t clean the pond. I didn’t clean up all the debris under the butterfly bushes. I didn’t finish mulching. I didn’t get all the weeds. But I still have three more weekdays.


  1. Lauren

    Three more days? This is Spring Break and you’re not off gallivanting in some exotic locale? Well, I guess your garden is pretty exotic, so I’m wrong.

    Thank you for the very helpful red line. It’s like John Madden is showing us your garden!

    • Carol

      …but without the X’s and O’s.

  2. Beth

    I’m a firm believer that mulch makes everything look more beautiful. So does a hedge.

  3. Peggy

    I love how those plants are planted in a curve! That looks really good! And good-bye troublesome ivy…..you have only yourself to blame for your demise.

    Are those things across from the new plants your pineapple lillies coming up?

    (No sign of my banana…I watered it thoroughly everyday too …. and my hibiscus is loosing leaves … is my winnign streak over already? 🙁 )

    • Peggy

      (I know how to spell…my keyboard just has a mind of its own…sheesh! Feel free to fix my mistakes)

      • Karla

        Done and done. I used whiteout on my monitor so it looks right to me.

        • Peggy

          Thank you Karla….you’re the best!

  4. Brent

    Do you think the owners of your brick wall would interpret Boston Ivy as a hostile act?

    • Brad

      My neighbor to the side is growing some Boston Ivy on that brick wall, so we’ll see what happens.

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