Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.


My dad watches Fox News with some regularity, and was recently watching Bill O’Reilly interview Michelle Bachmann. Disagreeing with how Bill handled the interview, my dad wrote an email. And Bill read it on his show the next day! Ha! Isn’t that amazing? He’s famous! HERE is a link to Bill O’Reilly’s webpage that makes reference to it.

And speaking of famous, I was in a frozen yogurt shop in Lincoln, Nebraska yesterday, and thought I heard someone say my name. I ignored it because why would anyone be saying my name in a yogurt place in Lincoln, Nebraska? But a few moments later, someone approached me and said my name again. It was Holly, a former middle school student from Baltimore. What?!? Then I remembered: she went to college at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln after graduating. And she has stayed in Lincoln to attend dental school, after which time she will return to Baltimore.

But how weird is it that she and I ran into each other?

It's grainy because I snuck a picture with my phone.


  1. Lauren

    Paul McCartney told me it isn’t nice to name-drop, but I’m so glad I was there for the Mr. Royuk sighting! I was impressed by the manners that you both had. She did a smart thing by saying, “Remember me? I’m Holly.” I wish everyone would do that.

    And congrats to your dad – I’m so impressed that he was read on air! What are the chances?

  2. Peggy

    Both of those things are so cool!

    I occasionally watch Bill O’Reilly & I sure am sorry I missed him say, And Ron Royuk from Seward Nebraska writes: Dang.

    And is that Holly B.?

    Geez, you guys really are The Royal Royuks!

    • Brad

      Holly Shires, but she’s married now. I don’t know her married name.

      • Lauren

        When I look at the comments sidebar, I thought you were saying, “Holy Shires” – like a hobbit would exclaim.

        • Jill

          HA! I had the same reaction. “Holy shires? Wow, that’s a new one. Is there a joke I’m missing?!?” 🙂

          • Peggy

            Hobbits (from The Lord of the Rings) live in the Shire.

          • Carol

            Brad would never begin an expletive with “Holy…”. Instead, it would be “Sweet…”, as in “cottage cheese”, right?

            …and we’ll be even MORE impressed when you run into Larry the Cable Guy, who hails from the great state of NE, too. (I’ve been enjoying “Only in America” on the Hitler History channel lately – it’s both funny-entertaining and educational-entertaining, thanks to Larry….or whatever his real name is…) But meanwhile, I suppose having your parent’s letter read on national television and seeing an almnua in a most unlikely environ will have to do. Carry on…and keep calm… 😉

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