Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

Two Thousand

Today is my TWO THOUSANDTH POST! Two thousand! Woo hoo! That’s, like, a lot of years or something (I’m not so good at arithmetic. Algebra and Geometry are easier.)

As I say every Bradaptation Day, I have loved writing these daily posts. They help me remember things. And since I’m writing for all the public to read, I only write about good things, not so much about complainy things, so I only remember the good things.

Somewhere along the line, the comments became a part of the fun, and now it’s hard to imagine a daily post without the fun conversations or jokes or commiserations of Bradaptationners… er… Bradaptaters? Bradaptationinnians? Anyway, I sure enjoy the comments. Thanks guys. Here’s to another two thousand posts. (That’s 5.4 years from now! Do you think we’ll all be driving hover cars by then?)

Lots of comments too!


  1. Lauren

    Congratulations on this momentous occasion! Bradaptation has been the wonderful way I’ve begun every day for the past 5.4 years. Thanks for keeping us all updated on your life, Brad, and for keeping it positive! Keep it up!

  2. Carol

    Amen. You are a role model for any of us who entertain the idea of electronic journals, as indeed there is minimal whining, grousing or curmudgeonliness (is that even a word?!)…and heaven knows between city government issues, changes in local restaurant policies and procedures, and your garbage pick-up guys alone you have mulitple grounds for curmodgeonliness. Congratulations, sir – carry on! (You know we will…)

  3. Peggy

    Congratulations!! And keep on writing!

    What do you call a cow who cuts the grass?

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