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Extra Credit

Yesterday I finished grading my final exams. It was really late for me to be doing that, but my travel dates for Christmas kind of delayed things. Anyway, at the end of my test, I asked the students an extra credit question: to write anything they remembered from class. I was thinking that maybe they studied some fact that I didn’t ask on the test.

The most frequent response was to leave the answer blank. But for those that did answer, I was fascinated by the things people remembered. There were a few people who quoted Bible memory verses. There were a couple facts, like the King James Bible being finished in 1611.

And then there were these:

To everything, turn, turn, turn, There is a season, turn, turn, turn...
I had played the song for them. Many of them had never heard it.

Skyrim - my current Xbox addiction.
I think the conversation this student was remembering is how the game’s name is pronounced. I actually referenced that conversation here at Bradaptation.

But my favorite answer of all was this one:
God loves you no matter what.
He heard this in my class and remembered it. Awesome.


  1. Lauren

    Excellent! That question was a great idea. Did you give the last kid a thousand extra credit points?

    Also, thank you for getting Turn, Turn, Turn stuck in my head today. Thanks a lot.

    • Brad

      I seriously considered forgiving all his wrong answers and giving him a 100%.

  2. Beth

    Dang. Now I’m all teary-eyed, and it’s not even 6:30am!

    Well done, good and faithful Mr. Royuk.

  3. Deborah

    I think I have something in my eye.

  4. Carol

    As one of the proctors for this exam, I recall seeing some blanks in this spot originally as students submitted their tests. Of course, I gave them grief. “What?! You attended this class daily for four months and you remember NOTHING?!” They then groveled to get back the paper and scribble something. I can hope the last remark you shared was one of those (I do remember reading that one myself and thinking, “Somebody was listening well!”) Nicely done, sir; nicely done.

  5. Michele

    Awesome teaching good and faithful servant!
    It’s these precious little nuggets that I miss most about teaching.

  6. Peggy

    What an excellent extra credit question!!!

    And I too have a tear in my eye. I hope the guy that wrote such a simple yet powerful answer did well enough on the rest of the test to pass…..but no matter, God loves him anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!

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