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Emergency Rations

I got a Twinkie for my birthday and didn’t know what to do with it. I like Twinkies, but this one was special, so it seemed I should do something special.

Lauren suggested that I use it as emergency rations for a zombie apocalypse. That sounded like a good idea to me,

Do you see it?

I used a tea box to hold it.

I didn’t tell any student I was doing this. Someone in each class noticed immediately, then they disrupted class to say something about it without raising their hand first.

The lessons I learned:
1) Students notice EVERYTHING.
2) Students have very little self-control.
3) A lot of seventh graders have seen Zombieland.


  1. Lauren

    HA!!! I laughed out loud – that is so hilarious! Full points to you for setting that up, and I’m very sorry for the disruption. 😀 If you had been my teacher, you would have immediately jumped to ‘favorite’ just for that. (Sorry, Mr. Houston, but you didn’t hang up twinkies.)

  2. Peggy

    Excellent! And if I had been in your room, I’m afraid I would have blurted something out as well……it would have been just to hard to contaaaiiinn ones self.

    What does a zombie call a man in a wheel chair?

    • Carol

      An “or derve”*?

      *Spell check wasn’t gonna help me with this one, I’m afraid…hor’s deuvre? hor’s dourve? I never took French – daggum it!

      • Peggy

        Great guess…..but no.

        Meals on Wheels. (isn’t that just awful though)

  3. Carol

    Brad wins the “HA [outloud]!” award for today – hands down.

    And your first observation is particularly scary to me. [Note to self: if you think you’ll get by without a student noticing that you missed a few strands last time you did your hair with Nice ‘n Easy…guess again.] Of course, more importantly everything we say and do is a witness – good, bad, or ugly. No pressure now, everyone…

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