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Yellow Papers

When I got home yesterday, my yard and pond were full of yellow papers. I was mad. Normally, it seems like all the trash in the neighborhood blows onto my lawn. This time, the trash had a single origin: a nearby clothing store. The papers were advertisements for their store. I had intended to name the store and say unflattering things about it on the internet, but it hardly has a presence in cyberspace, so if anyone searched for it, all they would see is my angry words. I will let them be anonymous jerks. And as I think about it, the right thing to do would be to call them up and tell them I’m displeased, rather than shouting it to the world. Maybe they hired some kid and he did it wrong or something.

But I’m still mad about the papers.

This picture makes it look like not very many papers.  It was a lot.


  1. Kristi

    Pick up the papers and tape them to the door of the store. After hours, of course. Wearing your Charles Dickens outfit..

    • Lauren

      Ha! That is much better than my suggestion, which was to bundle them all up and take them to the store saying, “Here, you lost these. They were in my yard.”

      Alternately, maybe the store was trying to spam you old-school style.

  2. Lloyd

    My suggestion was to call them and ask them to come pick them up.

  3. Peggy

    Well, that just stinks! I think you should take them back to the store….in their soaking wet condition. Maybe they’ll feel so bad, they’ll give you something free. Especially if you were your Dickens suit.

    • Peggy


  4. Carol

    Did the ads have a coupon as part of the flyer? ‘Cuz if so, I’d recommend trying to redeem the entire wad at one time, thereby getting perhaps 435% off some article of clothing one might not otherwise have purchased – then you can spread good will for them with your neighbors and others who compliment you on your new attire. I would hope they would understand that would be a far better outcome than, say, the results of Kristi’s suggestion. But probably not. Bottom line: I’m sorry – particularly as the paper recycler in me sees double waste in all that wet yellow pulp now. 🙁

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