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Yesterday was the Maryland primary election. Between yesterday and the day before, I must’ve gotten a dozen phone calls from Ron Paul supporters reminding me to vote. I wasn’t going to forget. I think voting is a big deal. I did commercials for it in my classes yesterday and told my students to be informed voters who knew exactly why they were voting for the people they select. And whatever political affiliation they voted for, they should let their faith inform their decisions.

I’m very disappointed in voter turnout here in Maryland. I can’t find an exact number, but it looks like it may be around 17 percent. Eighty-three percent of registered voters in Maryland didn’t even vote. My gosh, people – does it not matter to you? If it really doesn’t matter, do you mind if _I_ just tell you what to do? How about let’s make me King of Maryland? You can continue to be apathetic, and I’ll make all your important decisions for you. You don’t mind if I pay myself a giant salary from your taxes, do you? I thought not.

(end of rant)

At least my polling place was peaceful and pretty yesterday. When I voted, I was the only person there besides the workers. After I left, these other two guys arrived:
Hamilton Elementary School


  1. Lauren

    I think you would make an excellent King, except for your declarations that all bunnies must die.

    Sorry for the poor turnout. I was going to make a crack about ‘Do you honestly want the people who work at your crazy dumps voting?’ but since they are employees of your weird government, it wasn’t funny.

  2. Lloyd

    Part of that has to be number of Democrats vs. number of Republicans vs. number of Lizards.

  3. Carol

    I wonder if part of the low turnout (I did hear this morning that only 1 in 5 registered voters exercised their right – including the early voters. Sad.) could be related to continually moving polling places. Not that the buildings themselves pick up their foundations and go, but I’ve been at the same address for decades already and this was my fourth polling place in my zip code. Maybe people went to the old location out of habit and by the time they figure out where they new one is – – it’s been moved again!

    ………nah…….you’re right; it’s apathy. And can I blame ’em? How many candidates on my ballot were running unapposed! [What if nobody cast votes for any of them – would we have no elected officials to those offices then or what??] I suggest doing away with the bicameral system and letting anybody run for an office so long as (s)he does what (s)he says (s)he will during his/her campaign. [……Wait. Have we ever had one of those?]

  4. Peggy

    I voted in the morning & there were about 5 other voters there. I do have to admit though, that I’m a bad American. I don’t know much about my District Counselmen and their stands. 🙁

    And with the amount of taxes Marylanders pay, are you sure we don’t have a King?

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