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Last night I had sushi for dinner. I joyfully marked my order on the slip of paper the server gave me. I was going to have salmon – sweet, sweet salmon. But when the order came out, it was wrong! After asking the server about it, she showed me my order form. I had accidentally marked the wrong line. I had ordered salmon roe. Fish eggs? Yuck!

At least they're pretty.

But there was no way I was going to pass up an opportunity to taste them… an opportunity I’ve never taken before.

I was only brave enough for a small bite.

They were gross. They tasted very fishy. But I could handle the taste if I had to. What was truly revolting was the texture. As I bit down on the eggs, they popped! AAAHH! They popped, and a liquidy substance flooded my mouth. A fishy liquid. Gggaaak! I quickly grabbed a shu mai, soaked it in soy sauce, and chewed, chewed, chewed.

I don’t think I’ll be trying roe again any time soon. Roe? No.


  1. Lauren

    Ha! How brave of you to try them! When my family would go fishing we would use fish eggs as bait, but they were dyed to some unnatural colors – pink or something. (I can only remember pink.) We would joke that some people eat these things! (Not the pink ones, of course.) We were in the middle of Colorado in the 70’s though, so sushi was part of Foreign Culture Mythology. There was no way to prove it.

  2. Peggy

    Ruck!! Rat ris ross!!! (EXCELLENT title! HA!)

    And thank goodness for shu mai….whatever the heck that is!

  3. Lloyd

    When I saw your picture, I thought you were trying this.

    • Carol

      Those actually look somewhat appetizing – sort of like Easter candy? (OK…compared with the salmon eggs, anything might look more appetizing…)

    • Peggy

      I thought this sounds like a cool idea too…..as long as they are filled with sweet tasting things!

  4. Carol

    Before I read of your latest gastronomic adventure, I thought you were going to say, “…but after I placed my order I read about the current outbreak of salmonella being passed along through consumption of raw fish and I threw everything into the garbage instead of risking neurological damage or death.”

    ……uh, sorry – what?…..you hadn’t heard of the outbreak?……uh………oh, never mind then. (insert awkward laugh here)

    (You still breathin’? No emergency room visits in the middle of the night?)

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