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Fall Flowers

It’s time to plant pansies in Baltimore. They won’t do much in the way of blooms this fall, but their roots will be busy growing. They’re tough enough to survive Baltimore winters, and any time we get a couple of warm days in a row, they’ll bloom. I’ve had pansies blooming in January! I always buy pansies that have a scent. Usually that means solid yellow. Kind of plain visually, but to have a sweet smell of flowers on a warm day in the winter is wonderful!
Future winter wonderfulness.

Okay, they’re not much to look at. But check out these marigolds I planted from seed:
So cheery!

They’re huge! I got a packet of seeds and sprinkled them in the spring. Not much happened all summer. Then suddenly I had these giant marigold plants that are covered with flowers! This is my second year being successful with seed planting. I hadn’t had much luck in the past, so I stopped trying. Now I think I’ll plant seeds every year.

These particular marigolds are almost solid red when they open, and they turn more yellow with age. I spent several minutes just getting up close to them and admiring them:
The afternoon sun was bright and warm.

I leave this morning for a trip to Nebraska. Woo hoo! Here is the obligatory airplane photo:
You would think all my non-eventful flights would keep me from thinking of this.  Nope.


  1. Lauren

    Nice flower photos! On one of the blogs I read, the lady’s husband sprinkled some zinnia seeds in a failed part of their vegetable garden and they bloomed like mad, now she has a zinnia cutting garden. http://www.swistle.blogspot.com/2012/09/some-things-i-love.html You seed people are inspiring me.

    Also, Hooray! Hooray! Brad’s coming! Don’t die! 😀

  2. Peggy

    Those marigolds are absolutely beautiful!! And you just sprinkled seeds in that area & walked away?!? We have to talk. I might want to try this in front of my house, but I’ll need your advice.

    And now you have activated a powerful earbug for me. Thanks.


    • Peggy

      …I meant to say earworm (you may fix that for me)

  3. Peggy

    Oh and I thought about you soaring thru the skies this morning on my way to work. At least I was hoping you were soaring…..and not burning.

    Have a great trip! Can’t wait to here all about the honorary events!

    • Brad

      Hehe… I was soaring. I’m in Nebraska now. Yay for not crashing!

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