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Making Flight 4472: Saving the World

My flight to Nebraska was not boring. The night before I was supposed to leave, a phone robot called me and said my flight was canceled. No explanation. No alternate flights booked. I was a little confused. I went online to try some changes, then called Delta directly. The people who talked with me were very helpful. I even got my destination changed from Omaha to Lincoln. Nice.

My flight left Baltimore on time, but somehow we were late arriving in Minneapolis. The wheels of the airplane were touching down twenty minutes before my next flight was supposed to leave. Yikes!

Karla had sent a text to see how my travel was going, so I told her what was going on. What happened next was cool:
Just a regular conversation.

Action movie conversation!

Ha! Karla knew my gate number! It was like I was a spy and she was the computer genius! She even sent a map of the airport. This wasn’t just a tight connection anymore – this was a matter of saving the world. I ran from concourse G to concourse A. I haven’t run like that in a long time. Whew! When I got to A12, it was empty and closed. I thought I had missed my plane, but then a woman came out a door and said: “Are you for Lincoln? You’ve got to run!” And off I went down the jetway.

I made my flight. I got to Lincoln on time. The world was saved. Thanks, Karla. I couldn’t have done it without you.


  1. Lauren

    Karla is The Best!!! I wish I knew the names of beautiful genius spy ladies from the movies, but that’s not my genre. Way to go, Karla!!!

    How was your stomach not in a huge knot with the time crunch? I wouldn’t have been able to run to the next plane due to pausing for anxiety barfing.

  2. Lloyd

    You pulled an O.J.

    Wait, that used to mean something else.

    • Carol

      The Maple Donuts chain in York Co., PA, used to offer free orange juice with their products…until the OJ thing…then their big billboards that read “FREE OJ” seemed to evoke a totally different image; they were eventually taken down and, I guess, the promotion tabled.

  3. Carol

    Well, you could look at things this way: since you’ve become such a regular at your gym, and you’re going out of town for a while, the sprint from gate to gate might have compared to the work out you’d get in say 2.3 days of gym visits. So it’s all good. So long … as your heart didn’t give out on you as a result.

    Enjoy the visit – congrats to Dad Royuk! See you on the flip side. Wishing you much less stressful return travel.

  4. Peggy

    Whew! What an action packed day! What number would you like to be issued….. Double “O” ____.

    And way to go Karla! Agent 86 to the rescue! (I think that’s a character Lauren)

  5. Karla

    I’m so glad that flight schedule was the result of rescheduling. The whole time we were talking I kept thinking “why on earth did he book a flight with such a short layover?” I thought you were losing your mind!

    Things were so intense on my end I left my desk and went into the breakroom. I didn’t want someone to start asking me banking questions when I had to help save the world! Thanks for the excitement on a boring Friday morning. 🙂

    • Lauren

      Ha! That is awesome. 😀

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