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Still the Season

I went to Richardson Farms again this weekend. I had come for the chicken pot pie. But while I was there, I looked around. They still had apples! I have become a big fan of apples in the last few months. The ease of eating, the juicyness, the health factor… it’s all good.

Maybe when apple season has passed my love for apples will wane as well. But for now, Richardson Farms still has delicious, ripe, crispy apples. I got a big bag of Gala apples. Half of them are gone. I’ve eaten most of them as snacks, but some of them I used in THIS recipe when I went to Brady’s house for dinner last night. It was a good salad. I read the comments and cut the amount of onion to 1/3 cup like everyone suggested. I was surprised I could still find cranberries at the grocery store.

Delicious local apples.


  1. Lauren

    Mmmmmmm…… chicken pot pie and apples….. sounds like heaven…..

    The salad looks delicious. You are the king of Delicious Salads, you know. My mom always made Waldorf salad, and that’s what I thought the link was going to be. It’s walnuts, apples, celery, grapes and mayo. I didn’t care for it much as a little kid, but as a grown-up, it’s good!

    • Peggy

      Heh….I was thinking the same thing as I read: Brad you are the Salad King! Now I need a new word … how about Salad Swami!

      I can’t wait to see what type of grand salads you make in Maui!

  2. Carol

    Yea for apples! But I’m surprised you enjoy them much, Brad. After all, an apple a day would seem to prevent you from enjoying that wide variety of exotic tests you seem to often take at your doctor’s….

    [Speaking of dinners out, my guy’s gonna call you…we want to be sure we hook with you at least once before your great transPacific flight and we’re looking at next week when I’m usually released on parole done with testing by noon-ish. To be continued.]

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