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Like a Baby

The air mattress I’ve been using has had a slow leak in it. At first, it was just a little soft when I woke up in the morning. Then, as the leak got faster, when I woke in the middle of the night, I’d run the air pump a second time. Then, as the leak got faster, I would wake up in contact with the floor.

I decided to make a quick trip to Costco after school to see what they had. Right there in the entrance was a display full of air beds. Aerobed brand! Plus, they were $30 off! The new total was almost exactly what my mom sent me on a gift card. Woo hoo! I got it! Thanks for the new bed, Mom. It’s so awesome!

It pretty much fills the room.

I like that it’s raised a little bit. Plus, it has a mini-headboard that will keep my pillow from falling off. I put on the sheets my mom sent, and I’m using a comforter someone from my church lent to me. It’s so bed-like! As an added bonus, the box it came in is the perfect size and height for a bedside table. Nice.

It looks so inviting.


  1. Lauren

    Excellent! It looks very cozy! Those have an on-board air pump, yes? So. Cool! Love the creative bedside table, too – it speaks to my soul.

    Ok, I have a room layout question: What is that space just to the left of the window. Just a space or is it the closet?

    • Brad

      That space is a closet. The door is open so no monsters can hide in there.

      • Peggy

        …or a family of Hawaiian centipedes.

        • Brad

          Haha! Thanks a lot! I have not yet developed a habit of checking my sheets before bed. I keep thinking that because I’m on a second floor, I’m safe from centipedes. They’re afraid of heights, right?

          • Peggy

            They aren’t afraid of anything.

          • Lauren

            Humor Meter: Peggy=Perfect score

  2. Carol

    Now you need a nice fabric drape over that box to dress it up a bit like a “real” end table. You’re making your island hut quite habital there, Tarzan! (hearing Carol Curnett’s Tarzan yell in my head about now.)

    [PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Two days until “someone”‘s birthday. Too late to mail things, I fear, but you can still prepare funny posts, songs, etc., I reckon.]

  3. Peggy

    Excellent & congrats on the find!

    I thought that looked like a little headboard and sure enough it is. I really like it. Sweet dreams!

  4. Lloyd

    Note to self: bring air mattress patch when you come to visit Brad.

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