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A Familiar Sight

People keep asking me how I like Maui. I keep saying: “I don’t know.” It’s not because I have no opinion about Maui; it’s because I really haven’t had much time for sight-seeing.

Yesterday was an open house at school. I decided that I’d go in early and work in my room. I got some stuff done, then went into the church for the kickoff of the open house. It was nice to see my co-workers and to take a break from working. After the speeches, I went back to my room. No parents had come for middle school because there’s a special night for it two Thursdays from now. I was able to work some more. When it started getting dark, I left for home.

Here’s my desk. I sat here a lot yesterday.
The chair is comfortable.

I’m not finished with my preparations for the week. Hopefully I can get some stuff done this morning before church. Then I might have some daylight time for driving around or visiting a beach or something. If not, get ready for another picture of my classroom.


  1. Lauren

    Well, I have the solution for that: Tape your iPad to the wall by your desk and run this. BOOM! Island paradise.

    Sorry it’s been a lot of work lately. Guess you’re on your way to being a Dull Boy. 🙁

  2. Peggy

    I think it’ great that you’re getting nice & comfy at your new desk! And I for one like familiar sites (pun intended)!

    Lauren, that picture is awesome! Now I definately need to get an iPad. I have a wall I could hang it on.

  3. Lloyd

    I’m going with you ‘re better off not having time to go to the beach than not having time to go to a corn field.

  4. Kim Hoffman

    Well, at least you are already familiar with the concept of working around the clock. That is one good thing.

    I bet you start will see some crossover planning that can happen. Then maybe you can plan for some “blocks”. Do you have some of the same kids for several classes? I would start thinking about blocking out a double social studies day or a double language arts day. Especially if you have a project that could use some extended time to finish.

    • Brad

      Blocks – that’s a cool idea. I do have them multiple periods.

    • Debbie

      Blocks are awesome! Try it, you’ll like it!

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