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Food and Drink

After church yesterday, we joined friends of my parents from their days in Cleveland. We went to lunch at the golf course club house I went to a couple of months ago. We had a buffet. It was delicious! My co-worker Andrea was there. She took a picture of my and my parents and sent it to me. It is a nice picture:

Full and happy.

Full and happy.

After lunch, we went to the Maui Plantation, which is sort of a garden display area since it was so close by. The plants were cool. I got some fish food to feed the pond fish. While we were feeding them, there was a bird that kept trying to eat the fish. My searches suggest that this bird is called a Black-Crowned Night Heron. It was not successful in its fishing. I couldn’t decide if I was happy for the fish or sad for the bird.

Something was wrong with its wing.

Something was wrong with its wing.

After a nap, we went to the Duck and Dog Irish pub in Kihei for St. Patrick’s Day. It was fun. It was loud and happy and there was good food. While I was sitting at the bar, a guy came up and bought me a beer. Then he insisted we have a shot together. It was Jagermeister. I don’t think I’ve actually ever had a shot of that before. It didn’t make me sick. I was glad. Later in the evening, the guy stopped by with his wife and said ‘hi’ to me and my parents. Such friendly people. Such a happy St. Patrick’s Day. 🙂

Lots of green.

Lots of green.


  1. Carol

    1. Truly a terrific memory photo there – nicely done, Andrea!
    2. You had more Irish yesterday in Hawaii than I had here. I’d be jealous, if ’tweren’t agin me religion…
    3. Watch out for all those “friendly” people, Brad. I was actually relieved to hear the guy had a wife……..(some day I’ll share the story of how Thurman nearly got picked up by a member of the band at a senior prom. Suffice it to say the band member was not the girl singer…)

  2. Lauren

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you all! That sounds like a jam-packed day of fun, except for the bird. Poor little birdie. 🙁

    It’s so funny seeing people in green clothes and flip flops instead of green sweatshirts and fleece jackets, like I saw yesterday.

    Enjoy today!

  3. Kim

    Erin Go Braugh! I love the picture of you and your parents. Have you been able to introduce your parents to any random chickens?

    • Peggy

      HAHA! You crack me up! Miss you!

      Or any chickens that you’ve gotten to know.

    • Brad

      There were some chickens at the Maui Plantation. I didn’t get a good picture, otherwise I would have posted it.

  4. Peggy

    That is a GREAT picture!!

    1. Do the friends from Cleveland live there or were they visiting too?
    2. Was the beer green?
    3. I’ve never done a shot.
    4. I feel bad for the bird, what with his broken wing & all. Could you have boughten him a little fish or a little mahi mahi somewhere?
    5. Why can’t we type on a new line or double space for a new paragraph anymore?

    Have a great day today! Thou thast is on vacation!

    • Brad

      1. One friend from Cleveland lives here and is the mother of one of my co-workers.
      2. Having green food coloring added to your drink was optional. I was having Rolling Rock, which is already in a green bottle, so I skipped the food coloring.
      3. I thought I was done with them. This was quite a surprise.
      4. I think that bird was hanging around that fish pond because he had been successful in the past. He’s probably ok.
      5. I don’t know. I’ve tried to turn off all the auto-format stuff in the website software, but some of it seems to be automatic. I don’t much care for auto format. Maybe I’ll change the look of things again…

  5. Aunt Bev

    AWESOME picture…. BOY!! Do I Love Those Three People, Bunches & Gobs!!! I’m glad you are all having such a terrific time!!! <3 <3 <3 <3

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