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Brown and Red

I had intended to go hiking yesterday. I called a friend from church to ask if he could come, but he didn’t get back to me. So I had a day free, and ungraded papers weren’t hanging around my neck like a monkey on my back. What would I do? At first, I decided to go for a walk. Because I have been developing an embarrassingly dark farmer’s tan, I decided to cover all exposed areas with a thick coat of sunscreen. Then I headed out.

After walking to the beach, I suddenly wanted to go into the ocean. But I didn’t have my swimsuit on. So I headed back to my apartment and changed and got a towel. Then I went to the beach. I sat on the sand a while, then went into the ocean. I encountered some rocks in the water, and since I have an unreasonably large fear of stepping on a sea urchin, I didn’t go very far out. But I did get wet and bob in the waves a little. Ha! It was fun! I should go to the beach again some time!

When I got home I showered, and only then realized I had forgotten to put sunscreen on the white, white skin that has always been protected by my short-sleeved shirts. D’oh! Now I have a weird two-tone farmer’s tan: brown arms, legs, and neck… red, red torso. Ouch.

SPF 50 - I don't mess around.

SPF 50 – I don’t mess around.


  1. Lauren

    Rats! At least it’s a good story, right? I have to think that there would be a fair amount of people with farmer’s tans there, since I see all those people in scuba suit and such. Doesn’t that make for uneven tanning? Or do they put socks on their arms and legs and then lay out?

  2. Peggy

    Well in Hawaiian you would have what’s called a mahi’ai papa’ a la. That sounds just awesome! Or does it sound like a disease? Either way….pffft to you & your dark farmer’s tan.

  3. Carol

    Glad you finally posted about using the beach – ‘twould be ironic to be working so near one and never get to enjoy its bounty.

    ‘Zactly how much of the “torso” is exposed when you’re out in public/at school anyway? I wouldn’t worry about it…outside of the implied discomfort that usually accompanies a burn.

    Yea, that SPF-50 works real well…when you use it…where you need it…really.

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