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Palm Sunday

I love Holy Week, and Palm Sunday is a great way to start. Celebratory songs… palms… procession…
Yesterday was not a let down. Before church, we all got up, grabbed some palms, and went outside. Instead of those tiny strips of palm, we got full-blown palm branches! Woo hoo! Someone must have cut them out of their yard. Awesome!

Not a very good picture, but I felt weird taking a picture during church.

Not a very good picture, but I felt weird taking a picture during church.

To add to yesterday’s awesomeness, the youth group was having a bake sale. I bought several things. The coolest thing was a Peep on a nest. The nest was Rice Krispie treat with pretzels in it. The nest was topped with frosting, coconut shreds, jelly beans, and a Peep.

It was only a dollar!

It was only a dollar!


  1. Lauren

    Now THAT is a Palm Sunday celebration! How awesome to see the real-deal in action! I tried to draw a picture for my kids of what Sunday would look like at church and drew kids with strips of palm branches, and it looked like they were carrying swords. Oops.

  2. Peggy

    Those branches are awesome! Very cool! And a perfect metaphor–I am a tiny strip of palm; you are a full blown branch.

    But we’re having a snow day today! With snow!!

    • Brad

      Hooray for snow days! I’m very happy for you. And a little envious 🙂

  3. Carol

    …and I’m envious of your palms – ours molded between delivery and Sunday morning (insert Mr. Yuck face here) so we had to cut strips of green paper to hand to worshippers for effect. [Amazing how flexible a group can be when they have to be.] Anywho, totally enjoyed my day off – vacuumed, stitched, read for pleasure, watched TV in real time (instead of DVRed shows on after my bedtime). Can’t get much better than this – wait, it does: our spring break begins in two days! He he.

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