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A Gift of Sugar Water

I’ve been having an unusual number of bug bites lately, and they’re pretty serious bites. They have the little white bump in the middle, and the raised red area around the outside that feels hot. I would have thought they were spiders, but they were happening too frequently. How are there that many spiders? As I was making my bed one day, I noticed a lot of ant carcasses. I think ants have been crawling into my bed and as I move around I squish them and they sting me.

I did a little internet research, and I asked around at school. As it turns out, there are tiny tiny ants here who sting and leave bumps. They are a kind of fire ant. Yuck. I lived in mortal fear of fire ants when my parents lived in Houston and I stayed with them in the summer.

I resolved to poison the ants. I got some Terro pre-filled container thingies. The ants have noticed them. There are not swarms of ants like I would have expected, but they are at least taking some. Maybe the sugar water will make them happy enough that they don’t sting me.

And then they will die. Muah-ha-haaaaa!

It was already dark when I got home last night, so the picture is dim.

It was already dark when I got home last night, so the picture is dim.


  1. Lauren

    Good. Die, ants, die!!

    You had me worried that you were telling a bedbug story. In fact, those guys are probably just bedbugs dressed up as ants. Those clever monsters…..

  2. Aunt Bev

    Dakota had a post on his FB page about fire ants last night. Don’t know where he found them in Iowa?? I thought they were a southern warm creatures?

    <3 Aunt Bev 🙂

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