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Up the Mountain

Yesterday Lloyd and Samith woke up before me again. I’m used to being up before other people. I wonder if going to bed earlier might help. Anyway, they went walking on the beach during sunrise. I stayed in and worked on insurance stuff and grading stuff.

When they got back, we all went to the Saturday morning swap meet. I had a frozen chocolate covered banana. Mmm… Samith had a samosa. Lloyd had shave ice. One of Samith’s goals for his visit to Maui was to drink some coconut juice. He was not disappointed.

So fresh.

So fresh.

Next, we decided to drive to the top of Haleakala. It takes a little while to get up there, but it’s really worth it. It’s very otherworldly. The elevation is 10,00 feet – windy, cold, and thin air.

Good thing we had jackets.

Good thing we had jackets.

There is a kind of plant that doesn’t grow any other place in the world besides Haleakala. It’s called a silversword. I was very excited to see many specimens, but even more excited to see that one was blooming. It was beautiful. The flowers had a delicate and sweet scent.

After it blooms, the whole plant dies.

After it blooms, the whole plant dies.

We walked around a lot at the summit. The views were amazing. We were above the clouds. It was like being on the moon or something.



After returning home, we napped, then we went to the lava field south of Makena and walked along the shore. It was a beautiful sunset, and a great end to the day.


  1. Kristi

    Awesome picture – the one where you’re looking DOWN on the clouds.

  2. Lauren

    Good grief! You were nearly twice as high as my parent’s house, and you started at sea level. Those had to be some serious hills. And I agree with Kristi – that picture is phenomenal!

    Good grief, tell those boys to watch cartoons or something so this vacation can have some sleep-in time.

  3. Aunt Bev

    Me, Too!! (^_^)

  4. Lloyd

    You could see the Big Island from the peak. It was cool.

  5. Peggy

    That flower is GORGEOUS!! Can you dig one up & bring it back? I’m sure you could make it grow in a pot.

  6. Peggy

    PS. Love the skywalkers! Geez, it’s at 10, 000 feet that you’re able to unbuckle your seatbelts when flying.

    • Brad

      Great. So now along with all my other flying anxieties, I have to worry about crashing into volcanoes?

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