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Surprise Garden

I worked in my garden yesterday. It was overdue. There has been a lot of rain and gentle sun this summer. The plants are growing like crazy.

I did a lot of thinning. When I pull weeds, I usually let them dry up and die right where I pulled them. When I thin legitimate garden plants, I take them to a back corner and pile them there. It’s kind of an informal compost pile. I was surprised to see that several garden plants are growing there. Cannas, spider flowers, and blackberry lilies are all growing vigorously.

A hidden garden.

A hidden garden.

The only thing actually blooming was a blackberry lily. I don’t have these anywhere else in my garden any more because the flowers are so small and fleeting, and the plants are so big and floppy.

When the seed pods split open, they look like blackberries.

When the seed pods split open, they look like blackberries.


  1. Lauren

    Wow – that is a gorgeous shot with the seed pods and the fly!

    I’m glad you got some garden time and soul-refreshment. Are they coming along on the painting?

    • Brad

      There were some paperwork delays. The repair and painting stuff should begin on Monday. They think it will take three weeks or so, but in construction-type projects there are often delays, so it could be longer.

  2. Peggy

    So what you’re saying is you have a plant graveyard in the corner of your yard….where things come back to life. A Plant Cemetery.

    I hope yooooou never receive a call like this from one of your plants:


    • Peggy

      …yes, that should have been Sematary.

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