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Clipper Conflict

I don’t care for the cat claw clippers I have. They were the only kind I saw in the store at the time, and since I needed some, I got them. My problem is that there is some kind of guard thingy on them. I don’t even really know what it’s for. Perhaps it’s supposed to keep you from sticking the nail too far through?

Whatever the guard is supposed to be for, what it actually does is obstruct my vision. I can’t see how far I’m going on the nail, and I’m in danger of hitting the quick. What I end up doing is clipping too little. Dang it. I need some new clippers.

I tried removing it all together, but the nut is stuck or something.

I tried removing it all together, but the nut is stuck or something.


  1. Lauren

    The kind I have are like little scissors with a hook. http://www.bunnyrabbit.com/equipmentpix/nail-mf0541.jpg They work pretty well – Wally and Emme don’t mind at all, but Ralph is very, very skittish.

  2. Peggy DiBasilio

    Not being an ailurophilia like the rest of you, I didn’t even know that you were supposed to cut cat’s nails. Does Gus mind when you do it?

    This sent me on a cat information quest & I learned several cool things:

    1. The reason a cat can’t climb back down a tree (head 1st) is because its claws are curved the wrong way.
    2. Approximately 24 cat skins can make a coat.
    3. Every night after closing time, 200 cats are released into the Disneyland park to help keep the rodent population under control.

    • Peggy DiBasilio

      …farewell little Mickeys & Minnies.

      • Deborah


    • Brad

      But they don’t leave the cats to roam the park during the day do they? How do they get the 200 cats back in? Do they use cat herders?

      • Peggy

        Haha! I love that commercial!! I’ve never seen it before.

        But your question sent me on another quest for cat information. Apparently the cats are feral & therefore afraid of people. So they just stay hidden, crouching, lurking, during the day while everyone is enjoying the park. On rare occasion a guest will see a cat roaming around during the day.

  3. Debbie Foelber

    We just use “people” nail clippers. They are cheap and come in a variety of sizes.

  4. Michele Steppe

    My mom would tell you to use your teeth and bite them off because your tongue magnifies things. 🙂 At least that’s how she recommends taking care of my granddaughter’s sharp little fingernails.

    • Kristi

      The nurses at the hospital told us to bite off our newborn’s fingernails. Ewwww! They didn’t suggest a nail file or nail clippers.

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