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Another Friend

Peggy got a new dog! It’s a dachshund mix. His name is Little Dog. He was at my workplace all day yesterday because he got neutered. It was fun having another dog I knew there. I worked from 1:30pm to 10pm, so I gave Peggy updates all night. It was fun.

Just back from recovery and feeling groggy.

Just back from recovery and feeling groggy.

A little more awake.  He came out of the cage a little.

A little more awake. He came out of the cage a little.

This was right at 10pm.  His tail was wagging like crazy.

This was right at 10pm. His tail was wagging like crazy.


  1. Carol

    Yea for another pet with an obvious name (e.g., our own Li’l Mamma – at least when she was carrying her kittens; no longer very “little”)! He. Is. Adorable. Glad he knew someone where he was when he was recovering.

    Congratulations, Little Dog – you’re part of a wonderful family now (maybe once the surgery part is behind you perhaps you’ll realize that more)!

  2. Kim

    What a cutie! Glad he had “an inside man” to watch over him last night. You won’t miss what they took Little Dog. Not much anyway.

  3. Lauren

    Peggy, he is so cute!! I love the name, too. (Though I confess that in my mind I am saying ‘Widdle Dog’ because he is so sweet.)

    Nice job updating her, Brad. Maybe you could offer that as a service at your work.

  4. Deborah

    I love the name, too! And what a cute dog!

    I know someone who had a stray appear at their door a while back. After not finding an owner, they decided to keep it. Since they already had a dog, they named the stray, “T.O.D” (The Other Dog).

  5. Peggy

    First, THANKS Brad for all the attention you gave Little Dog! I know he appreciated it. And thanks for all the updates & pictures. I really appreciated it!

    Second, we’re trying to come up with a real name for Little Dog. I love Tod! Beings I too have another dog….this would work great!

    Third, Little Dog looks much cuter in person & when he hasn’t just had his…..well, you know.

    I can’t wait to pick up Little Dog today! (I say Little with as if I had a British accent)

  6. Beth

    I have friends who have two dogs. One is a very large Labrador mix. His name is Big. The other dog is some sort of Pomeranian mix. His name is Tiny.

  7. Little Dog

    Woof Woof!!!!

    (Thanks friend!!!)

  8. Lauren

    Last year I had a kid who had a dog named Deogee. Think about it.

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