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Spring Cleaning

I had swapped with a co-worker and worked on Saturday, so I didn’t work yesterday. It was a great day off. The weather was so warm! It was nice enough that I could wade into my garden pond and clean it a little.

Besides the leaves, there was a LOT of trash. Ugh. I also decided to pull the pond plants out of the water to have a look at them. I’m glad I did. They were all pot-bound, and the roots were growing crazy long. One in particular had such long roots that they were wrapped around the waterfall water pipe. I had to get a knife to cut them free. Yikes!

The rest of the cleaning went without incident, except a couple of bullfrogs scared the bejeebers out of me by brushing past my foot and by poking out of the water and looking at me with their baleful eyes.

I did before and after pictures, but the after doesn’t look so good because the water is muddy.


So much trash!

So much trash!


I temporarily moved the grass to a different spot.

I temporarily moved the grass to a different spot.

I gave the message at church yesterday. HERE it is for the archive.


  1. Lauren

    That was a beautiful Palm Sunday message – well said, sir. Looking forward to Holy Week!

    Your pond story reads a bit like an Indiana Jones story – wading through muddy waters, cutting things free with a knife, strange creatures brushing against your legs underwater. *shudder* Now you just need a bullwhip!

  2. Peggy

    Thank goodness bullfrogs don’t have teeth, well not big ones anyway! And did your fish survive the rough winter we had?

    One of my favorite versuses is” NO ONE takes it from me….I lay it down of my own accord.” It gives me goose bumps.

    • Peggy

      emphasis mine

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