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I had my taxes almost finished a week ago, then I couldn’t decide whether I was a part-time resident of Hawaii while I was there, or a nonresident. I kept putting the decision off, and then I realized that yesterday was April 14. Yikes!

After work, I had choir practice. I got to work on finishing my taxes at 9pm. I decided to go with nonresident. It made more sense since I still owned a house in Maryland and moved back to Maryland after being in Hawaii. I finished up my taxes at around 10:15pm. Then I realized my printer didn’t have any black ink. I have to print my taxes because Hawaii will not allow me to efile. And I sort of don’t want to efile my federal taxes because I want to make them work harder for my information. Off to Target!

I was there by 10:30, and leaving by 10:45. And my taxes are done! Woo hoo! Stupid government.

What Target looks like at 10:45pm

What Target looks like at 10:45pm


  1. Carol

    A sincere thank you for sharing your saga – I feel more “normal” now. New accountant + lower level of communication throughout the process + no time to pursue questions ahead of time = e-filing by yesterday but writing a check larger than we thought we would (I think the new guy skipped something major, but that’s for an amended return now…) and putting off major summer plans as a result. Sigh. All together now: “Stupid government!”

  2. Lauren

    Way to go – it’s over!!

    Yesterday at 5:30 a dad called the CDC asking for his financial information (which he had misplaced) because he was working on their taxes. He sounded embarrassed, but I reassured him that he was in excellent company. I think last-minute filing is more the norm.



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