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A Relative Eternity

Last night as I was coming home from work at 10:30pm, it seemed as if I was hitting every red light. One in particular was crazy long. I sat at an empty intersection waiting for it to change – no cars passed. What was the point? Ugh.

Why was I sitting here so long?

Why was I sitting here so long?

As I neared home, I realized I had left something undone at work. It was something I would have to go back and do. Dang.

On my way home for the second time, I approached the long-red-light intersection just as the light turned red. Ack! I decided to time it. One minute, forty-eight seconds. That may not seem long, but when you’re sitting at an intersection that no cars are passing, and you’re on your second trip home, and it’s 11:22pm, it feels like an eternity!

Rather an odd amount of time for a red light.

Rather an odd amount of time for a red light.


  1. Lauren

    That is crazy! You could have made a right, a U-turn and another right in that time. Or is that offense punishable by death in Maryland?

  2. Kim

    You gave me a flashback to the times I drove back to bls to make sure I didn’t burn the building down with a candle. Were we crazy or what to burn candles??? Crazy!!!
    But I am glad you remembered to turn around before you were snug in your bed.

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