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Foot Washing

Last night for Maundy Thursday service, my church did foot washing. It was the vicar who did the washing. It seems like I haven’t done this before. Maybe once a long time ago my principal Dina did it in a faculty devotion? I don’t remember…

Anyway, I didn’t know this was going to happen, but I was excited about it. I read a devotion once about how the foot washing experience is humbling for both parties. To be sure, the washer is doing something difficult, but so is the one being washed. To submit to service can sometimes be as difficult as serving.

There were only a few of us who came forward, but I was glad I did. It was a moving experience. I just wish I had worn socks that didn’t have holes in them.

Usually the hole is at my big toe.

Usually the hole is at my big toe.


  1. Carol

    Wearing the holy hole-y sock is perhaps symbolic of our own imperfections and adds to the humility, no? I’d say it may have been just the right pair to wear for the occasion after all.

    Blessed Easter week-end, all…

    • Peggy

      A lovely, perfect sentiment Carol! (Btw: What are you doing up so early on a day off?)

      And you beat me to the punch with your comment. I was thinking … a truly holy night indeed!

  2. Bev Greunke


  3. Lauren

    You got it with the humbling. I could NEVER let someone wash my knobbly, bumpy feet. That was a very cool thing the vicar did, and you are a good guy for being part of the experience.

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