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Guests And a Surprise

My brother Brent and his wife are here! I’m so excited! Sandra’s brother is retiring from military service, and there is a special ceremony for him, so Brent and Sandra came to attend and to do some visiting and sightseeing along the way. They arrived in Baltimore last night while I was still at work, so they stopped by at my workplace to say hi. That’s when I found out that my niece Anna came along! Woo hoo! I’m really excited about that! I am looking forward to some good hang-out time with everyone.

Today we go to DC for some sights. It should be a lot of fun.

In my excitement, I forgot to take any pictures of them. Instead, here is a picture of my murphy bed. I slept in it last night. I’m so glad to be able to use it!

The Gus is for scale.

The Gus is for scale.


  1. Lauren

    Hooray for company! Have fun in D.C., Sewardites! Sewardians?

    I love that bed. I am filled with jealously every time you mention it, and the only thing that is saving you right now is that adorable cat.

  2. Peggy

    I too continue to be impressed with your murphy bed! And it looks even better on the carpet! How great to just be able to pull a bed out of the wall!

    And Lauren ….I’m sure you could whip up a murphy bed … with all kinds of bells & whistles!

  3. Bev Greunke

    Have FUN!!!! Hugs To ALL!!! <3 Aunt Bev (^_^)

  4. Carol

    Weather today should be good for seeing sites/sights/?? Enjoy!

    [Gee…was this a Coast Guard retirement by any chance, ‘cuz we attended one of those a few Mondays ago in the Alexandria, VA area. Until then, I’d never heard of special retirement ceremonies for military personnel – I figured “Here’s your pension; thanks!” was all they got. This one had much pomp and circumstance, which seemed fitting for 30 years of service to one’s country, followed by a reception in what reminded me of the officer’s club on McHale’s Navy. Hope all went well – and so glad you get to see Brent and family again so soon!]

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